A Super-Earth Exoplanet Found In The Habitable Zone and Conservative Habiltability Zone

February 03, 2024 12:26 PM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

Astronomers found new Super Earth exoplanet TOI-715b, orbiting an M-dwarf or Red dwarf star located 137 light years away from Earth.

Exoplanet TOI-715b is 1.55 times the radius of our planet Earth. Another Earth size exoplanet present in same system.

This exoplanet completes one orbit around the red dwarf star in only 19 days.It is located with in star's Conservative Habitable Zone.

Exoplanet's Star TOI-715 has mass is equal to One quarter of our Sun, and radius is equal to One quarter of our Sun.

CHZ is define as rocky planet which receives solar insolation in between 0.42 and 0.842 times as much Earth receives.

Conservative Habitable Zone (CHZ)

Exoplanet TOI-715b is older and show low magnetic activity compared to young red dwarf stars, which makes it more habitable.

Astronomers expected James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will provide detail information about atmospheric characterization.

TIC 271971130.02 is another Earth size candidate in the system. It is potentially smaller habitable zone planet.

TOI-715b is a main target for James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) investigation due to it's habitable zone.

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