Does the Saturn Moon Titan have Water?

February 14, 2024 4:24 AM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

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Titan is the Saturn's largest moon, it's an icy world. After Ganymede Titan is second largest moon in our solar system.

Image Credit: NASA

Titan is bigger than our Earth's moon also bigger than Planet Mercury. It contains dense atmosphere.

Image Credit: NASA

Titan moon has radius of 2575 Kilometers and 1.2 million kilometers away from Planet Saturn.

Image Credit: NASA

It takes almost 16 days to complete one orbit around Saturn. It is tidally locked with Saturn just like our Earth's moon.

Image Credit: NASA

According to Cassini-Huygens mission data Titan consist of total 5 layers, surface coated with organic molecules and rained in form of liquids.

Image Credit: NASA

It's the only one candidate in our solar system who resemble Earth's water cycle. Titan atmosphere contain Nitrogen and few amount of Methane.

Image Credit: NASA

Titan is also thought to have subsurface ocean of water. But on the surface it has rivers, seas and lakes of hydrocarbons like methane and ethane.

Image Credit: NASA

It has surface temperaure of -179 degrees celsius in this condition water that is present on Titan plays role of rock.

Image Credit: NASA

In 2005 NASA's Cassini spacecraft delivered ESA's Huygens spacecraft that landed successfully on moon Titan.

Images Credit: NASA/ESA

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