End of Voyager-1 Mission Due to Computer Glitch?

February 09, 2024 1:28 PM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s Voyager-1 spacecraft travelling in interstellar space.

But now Voyager-1 is unable to send information to ground station of NASA, as it travelling far away from Earth.

Astronomers said that problem is within spacecraft's one of the three onboard computers, known as Flight Data System. 

Work of FDS is to collect and share Voyager-1 health and scientific data to Telemetry Modulation Unit (TMU), a subsystem on spacecraft.

In latest update NASA said that their scientists are continously working to solve the problem of Voyager-1.

Voyager-1 launched on 5 September 1977 to study our solar system's planets and outside of solar system.

In 2012 Voyager-1 officially first human made object that entered interstellar space and it's continously travelling.

The famous Pale blue dot Earth picture captured by Voyager-1 spacecraft at a distance of 6 billion kilometers from the Sun.

Image Credit: NASA

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