How old is the Universe?

February 05, 2024 1:33 AM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

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Age of the Universe means how much time passes since Big Bang. Age is decided by expansion of the cosmos.

Astronomers finds two different age of the universe on the basis of study. According to ESA Planck mission Universe is 13.82 billion years old.

And according to Atacama Cosmology Telescope in Chile, it shows the universe's age, is at 13.77 billion years old.

Standard model or lambda-CDM model describes Universe age is less than 14 billion years old. Most distant galaxies shows Universe is more older.

Universe older than 14 billion years old?

Rate of expansion of the Universe is measured by Hubble constant, it is use to measure age of the Universe.

Our Universe age is 13.8 billion years old and Earth's age is 4.5 billion years old.

Comparison of Universe age with Earth

Methuselah star is the one which is appear older than the Universe, This star also know as HD 140283. Located 190 light years away.

Methuselah Star

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