ISRO's Next Ambitious Shukrayaan-1 Mission

February 08 2024 1:12 PM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

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Shukrayaan-1 will be ISRO's first Venus mission. Word Shukrayaan is derived from Sanskrit language, 'Shukra' refers to 'Venus' and 'yann' means "rocket".

Shukrayaan-1 was born in the year 2012, but later it was delayed due to some problem.

Image Credit: NASA


Shukrayaan-1 will have special  ability to take high-resolution images, irrespective of night, day and in any weather conditions.

Image Credit: NASA

Planet Venus has very high temperature on it's surface so it has no sign of life. But according to some scientists upper atmosphere may contain life.

Image Credit: NASA

Shukrayaan-1 will carry high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) & ground radar.

Image Credit: NASA

According to ISRO chairman S. Somanath Shukrayaan-1 will launch in Dec 2024 with alternate launch date in 2031.

Shukrayaan-1 will study solar wind interaction with Venus ionosphere, volcanic activity and other characteristics.

Image Credit: NASA

Recent Venus missions include European Space Agency's Venus Express and Japan's Akatsuki Venus Climate Orbiter. 

Alongwith these missions, NASA's Parker solar probe conducted multiple flybys of Venus. In 2030 ESA will launch it's EnVision Venus orbiter.

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