Milky Way's Blackhole Spinning Rapidly & Taking Rugby Ball Shape

February 14, 2024  01:16 PM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

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Our Milky Way galaxy contain a supermassive blackhole at it's centre.

Sagittarius A* is the name of supermassive blackhole.

Sagittarius A* is located about 26000 light years away from the Earth.

NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory found some strange activity of blackhole.

Chandra X-ray observe blackhole at the heart of our galaxy spinning so fast.

Fast spinning supermassive blackhole spins so swiftly that it warps surrounding space time in to shape of Rugby ball.

Image Credit: NASA Chandra Observatory

This spinning blackhole acts as rocket launch pad.

Image Credit: NASA Chandra Observatory

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