Research Suggests Asteroid Bennu May Be Part Of Ocean World

February 07, 2024  12:33 PM EST

Dr. Swapnil Surwase

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Spacecraft OSIRIS-REx brought sample of Asteroid Bennu on Sept 24, 2023.

Those sample contain remnants from the formation of solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.

University of Arizona's Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis brought asteroid Bennu samples.

They recieved only 200 milligrams asteroid sample for analysis.

Asteroid sample contain large amounts of water also contain sulfur, nitrogen, carbon and phosphrous.

Astronomers said asteroid Bennu samples have a phosphate crust which is not present in any meteorites.

Astronomers said that generally phophate crust found in the extraterrestrial ocean worlds.

Phosphate crust is the building block of life which show that Asteroid Bennu is filament of ocean world.

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